Teaser of “Little Tango had a secret”

Do you want to know a secret?

I have never worked at a company such as Tango/04. I mean, such as the company I envisioned to create, back in 1991.

Children rapidly find a public figure to take as example when they start playing a sport. But it is much more difficult when there is no model to imitate. Even in life, in general, it is difficult to find far-reaching ethical models. But at least it is easy to find antimodels.

My antimodel were the monopolistic corporations of that time, such as Telefonica and Iberia, the Spanish phone and airline companies, whose customer service, back then, seemed to be led by highly sadistic people.

I wanted to work for a company that was just the opposite. And, luckily, we eventually found our way.

Well, soon I will reveal here the secret that made us compete and thrive in the tough IT market for more than 25 years. The ultimate key factor of our success, that is.

Just bear with me a bit more.

Do you know how to start a speech?


In May 2011 we had the pleasure to host Conor Neil at our Tango/04 Monitoring Symposium in Barcelona.

Conor, as you may recall, is a brilliant mind, an expert in human communication, a serial entrepreneur, a professor at one of the top business schools in Europe and a guru for thousands of people (including me). He spoke about speaking, which is, I suspect, his favorite subject.

If you weren’t there, I have good news.

Conor uploaded the initial part of the speech to his YouTube channel as an appetizer for his conferences. There he discusses how to start a speech – and, more importantly, how NOT to start it.

The video has already surpassed one million views! If you haven’t seen it yet, rush to Conor Neil : How to start a speech and enjoy yourself.



You won the war on CMDBs

When we started this blog, CMDBs were all the rage. ITIL was at its peak. Practically every single customer asked us about our “CMDB strategy”.

From the start we had the vision that passing event, performance, and business context data through the already overloaded CMDB was a terrible mistake.

First, it was not a “best practice” as opposed to the rest of ITIL initiatives. Back then the number of existing companies around the world that had finished such a CMDB was zero. And it remains zero.

Continue reading

Coming soon to a Congress near you: The Dilbert Factor

Dilbert Factor

Do you want to be much, much more successful? After introducing The Dilbert Factor at the Buenos Aires University in December and last month in an exclusive session for Catalonian entrepreneurs, I’ll be presenting at the itSMF/ISACA Congress in Barcelona this very Thursday (April 16th) the one and only “Engineering Success: The Dilbert Factor and other stuff I was not taught at the University”. Dilbert sessions coming up: one for Tango/04 customers in Argentina (May 5th) and hopefully many, many more (stay tuned).

The Dilbert Factor is my new keynote speech based on 30+ years of business / technical / life experience: a not-to-be-missed collection of academic and pragmatic practices to achieve success and be happier, taller and more handsome. Not all the stuff is guaranteed to work, though.

Happy and Aligned 2015!


Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Got this quick 2014 summary for you, from Barcelona with love.


We launched Alignia, encapsulating the knowledge from hundreds of successful monitoring projects into a revolutionary software product.

Alignia allows you to control, optimize and align these nasty Business Applications, Business Processes, Online Business Services and Business Security in the Interconnected Era (hey, the Extended Enterprise is finally here… and you need to be ready for it).

It has been a major, multi-year, multi-million effort, and we can’t be happier with it. Alignia is rapidly getting traction among leading companies like yours all over the world as they realize that they can unlock lots of value in a matter of hours. (Yes, hours. And not that many.)

Corporate alignment between IT and the Business has never been this easy. Get the whole story here. You’ll thank me later 🙂

We kept adding talented staff, moved to bigger and better offices in Barcelona and we are remodeling our offices in Buenos Aires.

We keep gaining more and more customers in the financial sector. In some countries we help more banks that the whole competition together.


My mother passed away at the age of 86 on December 8th. She will be surely missed.

I also returned for a while to an old love of mine, cinema direction, and directed The CIO’s Office, a funny mockumentary that warns CIOs about the horrors they may face without Alignia 🙂 It premiered with a warm reception at our Tango/04 Monitoring Symposiums. Academy Awards, here we go!

I also celebrated the 25th anniversary of graduation from college at the University of Buenos Aires, which also invited me to give a speech there this month; it was a pleasure and an honor for me.

Well, thank you fellow readers, customers, friends, partners, suppliers, colleagues and teammates.

Have a really really really WONDERFUL (and ALIGNED) 2015!

How to be a Great CIO (X): Attend the European Monitoring Symposium


It is not because it is the only European event solely dedicated to Monitoring, it is not because we are going to present a radical change in the way leading companies do business, it is not because of the fine Mediterranean cuisine, the nice people or the awesome venue.

Well, it is because of all these as well. And it is because of the nice surprises (many of them), but the main reason to attend the Monitoring Symposium is to propel your career forward, to go further faster, whether you are a CIO or a CISO or you are one in the making.

Particularly now, when not advancing means going back.

Because monitoring, understood as Corporate Visibility, is really powerful stuff (hey, that’s what I’ve created this blog for). A wonderful opportunity that many pass on, and regret when it is too late. 

And what we are introducing is completely new. Promise.

Well, I said it already. Now it is up to you.

Hope to see you in Sitges this Friday (May 23rd)!


Preparing the upcoming Symposium…

Oficina Raul

Where have I been? Quite busy, after the (awesome) inauguration of our new offices, preparing the super ultra mega wonderful amazing Tango/04 Monitoring Symposium 2014.

(You’ve already saved the date, right? May 23th in Sitges, a beautiful town near Barcelona).

But before talking about it, some photos of our beautiful new offices.  

And yes, we do have a gym at our offices. 🙂

(Thanks to the great Egue y Seta studio for the spectacular project).

You are invited.


Where have I been? Learning with leading entrepreneurs in Manila, Hamburg, Dublin, working with our talented team in both Barcelona and Buenos Aires, observing real-time monitoring in China (more about this soon), visiting the Maldives (hey, I need some rest from time to time) and above all involved in the phenomenal transformation of Tango/04. Yes, what we are cooking up with the new Knowledge Modules is nothing short of revolutionary (more about this quite soon, too). And recently, we moved to beautiful and more spacious offices in Barcelona, too. And that’s the point of this post. You are invited to come to our inauguration on Thursday, February 13. Don’t miss it. Just please contact your Tango/04 rep before we run out of space! It will be wonderful to give you a hug then. More details here. See you soon!

Blog presents Blog

I have always tried not to talk about my company in this blog. The idea of the Visibility Blog is to present a personal view about things, even if that view is not exactly the company’s view.

Although I have to admit that sometimes it’s inevitable to refer to Tango/04 when discussing topics such as Agile Service Management (look Ma, no CMDB!). It’s hard not to, as it’s the best example of Agile Service Management I know. And the only one, really.

But the point is that the Visibility Blog disseminates new ideas that may be useful even for customers of the (horror!) competition, besides sharing my managerial expertise with CIOs, CIOs-to-be or any other manager, not necessarily in IT.

However, we needed a specific channel on Monitoring, at both the strategic and technical levels. And, of course, to air news about what we do, our products, techniques, tips, new releases, case studies, educational videos, and stuff like that.

Therefore, we created the Monitoring Blog—the new official corporate blog of Tango/04. Which, as you imagine, will try to help you get the most out of your monitoring projects.

You can find it here. And please subscribe via RSS here (because you’re already subscribed to this blog via RSS, right?).

Hope to see you there, where we can freely say things like the fact that we’ve invested many, many millions of dollars to create the wonderful new generation of cloud-enabled, tablet-enabled, beautifully crafted and insanely awesome Tango/04 monitoring products.

Something I’d never, but really never ever even think of mentioning here.